North Korea tells the US to choose between talking and facing "the biggest threat"

North Korea tells the US to choose between talking and facing “the biggest threat”


North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho, in a statement released by the Korea Central Telegraph Agency (KCNA), warned that “it would be a miscalculation if the United States resisted abandoning its hostile stance and tried to deal with things as sanctions.”

“Then, we would continue to be the biggest threat to the United States for a long time, and we would make him understand what he has to do for the sake of denuclearization once and for all,” said Ri.

The minister stressed that North Korea is “ready for dialogue as well as for coping.”

The North Korean Foreign Minister described the current Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, as “the poisonous plant of American diplomacy.”

In an interview with Washington Examiner, several days earlier, Pompeo expressed the hope that Kim Jong-un would commit to denuclearize North Korea and said that, otherwise, the United States “would continue to apply the toughest sanctions in all of history.”.

The process of enlargement on the Korean peninsula stagnated in recent months.

Pyongyang resumed weapons testing last May, after a 17-month break and carried out six projectile launches since July 25.

The North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, called these tests “relevant warning” against the most recent joint military exercise in South Korea and the US. (Sputnik)