The ghost of the political trial stalks Trump this week

The ghost of the political trial stalks Trump this week


There are few legal ways to get rid of an acting president, and the political trial is perhaps the best known and the one that Democrats have been considering since the beginning of the Russian plot scandal or Russiagate.

After a new scandal involving a conversation of the president with a foreign leader, this week could be a turning point. On Thursday, the interim director of National Intelligence, Joseph Maguire, will testify before the House Intelligence Committee. What you reveal or hide about the call that dismayed an anonymous informant could be the drop that spills the glass.

“The dam could break this Thursday,” said a senior Democratic adviser to the House, whose boss has not supported the political trial, according to NBC.

Democrats have been divided on the question of Trump’s political trial. The president of the House, Nancy Pelosi, had opposed the procedure, just at the height of Robert Mueller’s investigations into Trump’s possible collusion with Russia, which was not found, and the possible obstruction of justice, which did not It was ruled.

Although the House of Representatives can initiate the impeachment or political trial process by a simple majority, the trial itself is carried out in the Senate and requires a qualified two-thirds majority to reach a conviction and, therefore, to the removal of the charge. Currently, the Senate is a Republican majority.

However, Pelosi himself sent an ultimatum to the White House this weekend saying that if the government did not deliver the anonymous informant’s report about Trump’s call, he would be closer to a political trial.

Recently, Representative Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who chairs the Chamber’s intelligence committee, and a person close to Pelosi, has expressed his approval to begin the trial process, which could hypothetically end up deposing the president.

Representative David Cicilline, a Democrat from Rhode Island, said they should move forward quickly with the political trial if Maguire did not deliver the report.

“It is an independent reason to present articles of political judgment,” he said Monday in a telephone interview with NBC. “That is related to this continuous obstruction and obstruction.”

Cicilline and other Democrats say it seems that Trump has abused his power to benefit politically.

Trump has admitted that he spoke with the new Ukrainian president, VolodymyrZelensky, about Hunter Biden, the son of former vice president Joe Biden, who paints to become his Democratic opponent in the 2020 elections.

“The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, of corruption, of all the corruption that exists. It was largely about the fact that we don’t want our people, like Vice President Biden and his son, to contribute to the corruption that already exists in Ukraine, ”Trump said this weekend.

Since the beginning of the controversy, Trump has mentioned his potential adversary in the presidential race, Joe Biden, repeatedly. His personal lawyer and emissary in Ukraine on the matter, Rudy Giuliani, has also done so.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Trump repeatedly asked Zelensky in a phone call in July to open an investigation into Hunter Biden. He also said he had threatened to withdraw military aid.

If it is proven that Trump withheld help to force Ukraine to persecute young Biden, the accusation “may be the only remedy,” Schiff told CNN on Sunday.

On Monday night, The Washington Post reported that a week before the call, Trump ordered a halt to send 400 million dollars in military aid to Ukraine, which is likely to lead to more questions about the nature of the discussion.

Democrats argue that the Trump administration is illegally obstructing the work of Congress by blocking Schiff’s access to the anonymous informant’s complaint. Something that would normally be shared if it were not the president’s conversations with another head of state.

If Maguire does not deliver it, the president of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, told her colleagues in a letter over the weekend that the political trial investigation will enter a “completely new stage.”

Trump has said he may be willing to publish a transcript of his call, but Democrats insist they want to read the complaint, which could include more information than the discussion between the two leaders, something that Schiff argues is entitled to see under the law.