Twitter enables the option to share tweets on Instagram

Twitter enables the option to share tweets on Instagram


Twitter reported that it is testing an option to share tweets directly on Instagram. However, the company clarified that, for now, it is implementing this feature only in its application for iOS.

Basically what it will allow is that, when the share button is pressed below a tweet, the option to publish in Instagram Stories will now appear.

In this way, it will no longer be necessary to take a screenshot to later publish the image, with another advantage, that it is no longer necessary to use the phone’s storage with photographs that you will surely not use again.

What is worth saying is that, if the person who published the tweet decides to delete it, when you go to Instagram you will see a message that the content is no longer available so, yes it really is something important about what you want to save evidence, the recommendation is still to take a capture.

Goodbye to Twitter mentions
Another function that Twitter is working on and you might be interested in is preventing them from mentioning you with an @ and your username.

The platform knows that for many users it is a nuisance for someone to arrogate them on Twitter as it means a constant arrival of notifications, which are not always of interest, so it is creating a new tool that will allow them to “get rid” of mentions.

According to what a company engineer revealed, when this feature is available, people will be able to withdraw from the conversation by simply selecting the option of a mention in the three-dot menu in a tweet.

For now, Twitter is only looking for feedback on features it could implement later.