Facebook Says That Their Comments about Letting Publishers Die Were Received Out of Context

Facebook Says That Their Comments about Letting Publishers Die Were Received Out of Context


As per the reports published by a number of websites, the news executive of Facebook, Campbell Brown had a message for all those publishers, which were not willing to work with the company. He had told them that he would hold their hands in providing assistance to their sagging businesses, just the way a hospice does.

A spokesperson from Facebook told CNBC that the news executive’s comments were taken completely out of context.

Campbell Brown, himself had come out with a statement where he said that the quotes are not at all correct and really do not reflect the exact discussion that he had with the publishers in the meeting. He stressed the fact that they knew, there was much more, which needed to be done but their ultimate goal while working on Facebook. That the team put their work on every single day with all the publishers and reporters across the world, is to assist the field of journalism and help them succeed, which in turn would also help them thrive both on Facebook and off it. This basically means that a totally new focus is being thought of, on building sustainable models of business and their discussion was all based on these things.

The story was first published by the news source of The Australian. Since then, quite a number of news outlets have got hold of the quotes and went on to give confirmation.

As per Niemen Lab, Campbell Brown had said that Facebook is not really interested any longer, in discussing the traffic and referrals, which the publishers were getting.

Neiman Lab had said in its reports that it was most probably the largest referral, which the traffic and referrals altogether made up a major part of what Facebook had made an offer to publishers in recent years.

Just to talk a little bit about Campbell Brown, he happens to be the former prime-time host in CNN along with being the News Correspondent of NBC. In the month of February, she had sat down for discussion with Recode and went on to make similar comments about referrals and traffic.