Can Diet Soda Help Put a Check on The Return of Colon Cancer?

Can Diet Soda Help Put a Check on The Return of Colon Cancer?

Health Press Release

A recent study now suggests that those patients have colon cancer, who on a regular basis drink diet soda, have a far lesser risk for the recurrence of their tumor or even of expiring due to cancer.

The U.S. National Cancer Institute had funding for the study, which was conducted by the researchers. They had tracked the results for colon cancer patients, counting up to 1000. The investigation could find that those who consumed one or more than one 12-ounce servings of soft drinks with artificial sweeteners every day had 46% less chance for the recurrence of cancer or death due to the disease over the period of study than those people who did not consume any such beverage.

There was a second analysis done, which had found out that around half of the advantage had appeared as a result of people getting switched from regular soft drinks to diet sodas.

Director of Yale Cancer Centre and senior author of the study, Dr. Charles Fuchs said that the drinks, which are artificially sweetened, have had a dubious reputation in front of the public due to the health hazards which they cause but those have not come out in the open.

He reiterated the fact that their study has clearly shown, the diet sodas help in avoiding the recurrence of cancer along with death among patients, who have already been treated for their suffering from advanced stage of colon cancer. He termed the finding to be exciting.

Still, one colon cancer expert, who had done the review of the findings, said that the study was not at all close to being conclusive.

A gastroenterologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, Dr. Elena Ivanina said that she would not pay much attention to what the observational study had come up with, as there are many design flaws in it.

Dr. Ivanina said that first, the researchers had relied upon the self-reports presented by the patients, which cannot be entirely reliable and secondly, the study did not include information related to the eating habits of patients before the diagnosis.