China's president Xi Jinping orders crackdown over appalling vaccine scandal

China’s president Xi Jinping orders crackdown over appalling vaccine scandal


We often say our government is this; our government is that in India only there is a flow of problems and issues but we are wrong it’s not wrong just in India, but everywhere we live. Yes, the government are sometimes sleepy towards our problems but not always. We can’t entirely depend on government; we need to cooperate with them and being a part of our Nation there are specific duties of our to be loyal and faithful towards our assigned work. If we humans can’t see violence then we need to stop violence, if we humans can’t see anything wrong happening in our surrounding, then we must have that courage to voice against it. This Earth is not only for the government it’s also for us. The government can, but we can stop illegal ways and work going across the world.

Here the president of China as chronicle the country’s latest vaccine scandal as horrifying pledging to complete the investigation for China’s worst public health crunch from last few years. China was ordered to analyze this issue immediately to clemency the social stability on time, but they failed. Xi ordered the local authorities for severe punishment that can cure the chronic disease of corruption & scrape poison from one’s bone. He also told to boost the supervision of vaccines and escort for the bottom line safety to safeguard public interest and social security. CCTV quoted Li said- no matter where company and community are muddled, strict punishments should be done for all those who defy the safety guidelines that have no more fortitude silence. DPT vaccines are ineffective and were not logically harmful. It had evidence for all 215,184 children that were treated by these shots. China has lost all the faith and trust over this system which seems to be difficult to gain that again. As they say, this is not the 1st time where the president has assured them to clean up vaccine industry such swear they have made earlier also but what has happened? Still, the wrong process is going on and on.

A man named Lin said he has planned to take his family and daughter to Hong Kong for further vaccination in future needed and also mentioned his last words by saying “My family and I will never have any more treatment on this mainland until the government takes necessary and somber steps to willpower this issue. We all need to understand and handle our duty correctly to avoid fraud.