A virtual reality app to practice sending an employee

A virtual reality app to practice sending an employee


Whatever the reason, it is not always easy for a business owner to separate from one of his employees. Starting from this, a company created a virtual reality experience to practice firing an employee in the best possible way.

Train to transfer an employee
A few months ago, we talked about the arrival of virtual reality at Pôle Emploi. Candidates can use a VR app to practice interviewing. With the company Talespin, we are in the opposite movement, since it is about training to dismiss an employee. The goal? Proceed with dismissal with courtesy and avoid bad reactions.

As explained in an article published by Futurism on August 12, 2019, the company created a virtual character named Barry. Taking the role of the employee close to the exit, he reacts to the employer’s speech according to the tone and words used. In other words, if the entrepreneur is too rough, Barry will have a shared reaction between anger, indignation, and sadness. In case the employer is courteous, Barry will calmly react and take the news in the best possible way.

A lack of realism to correct
“When a user interacts with Barry in the simulation, he navigates through hundreds of possible conversation paths to effectively fire Barry,” says a Talespin press release.

If the existence of this application can shock some people, the goal of Talespin is to allow managers to acquire “soft skills”. These are skills that are very popular in the business world – and knowing how to separate from an employee is one of them. This is also the case with performance evaluation, job interviews and the identification of the best work methods.

Nevertheless, Barry’s realism still leaves something to be desired, but Talespin could correct this defect in the near future. The appearance of the character is not a problem, but the lack of realism is mainly at the level of reactions. Indeed, Barry is content to follow a script, so his attitude is not really natural.