The Curiosity took a picture of 1.8 billion pixels from Mars

The Curiosity took a picture of 1.8 billion pixels from Mars


This is the clearest photo ever taken of our neighboring planet.

The NASA Curiosity rover captured with its powerful cameras the sharpest photograph ever taken of the planet Mars. It is an image composed of more than 1,000 photographs put together.

The final product has more than one thousand eight hundred million pixels of resolution.

It shows the Glen Torridon region, next to Mount Sharp, which is exploring the Curiosity. The group of images was taken between November 24 and December 1, when many of the team were on vacation.

“While many on our team were at home, Curiosity produced this feast for the eyes,” said Ashwin Vasavada, a scientist with the Curiosity Project at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which leads the Curiosity mobile mission. “This is the first time during the mission that we dedicate our operations to a 360-degree stereo panorama.”