Tesla Is Planning to Use Its Own Chips Instead of NVIDIA Ones

Tesla Is Planning to Use Its Own Chips Instead of NVIDIA Ones


The super-power computer inside the Tesla dashboard is one thing that makes the vehicles truly special. The company is now trying to enhance the performance and power by using its chips instead of the NVIDIA options. Elon Musk also said that Tesla has been working on a homebrew alternative of powerful computing chips for quite some time. Now that the development is almost complete, Tesla will be able to launch all the new systems with a unique set of processing chips. Musk says that the newly-developed chip is “the world’s most advanced computer specifically for autonomous operation.”

If Musk’s words taken for real, the new chip contains excellent improvement of performance. There is an increase in the number of operations that can do in a second. In addition to this, Tesla has made sure that the new chips would be compatible with the older versions of Tesla hardware. It means that users can make use of the enhanced performance and power in vehicles that they got a few years back. It needs to note that Musk has not spoken about the availability of these features or the pricing aspects also.

For Tesla vehicles, the shift from NVIDIA to a more powerful set of computing chips is a necessary move. Even though the current Tesla chips were said to be sufficient, they were not powerful enough to manage the self-driving features of the vehicle. Now that the upgrades are on their way, Tesla can focus on machine learning as well. Tesla is not the first company to build and use homebrew alternatives for machine learning computing chips instead of going for popular manufacturers like NVIDIA. Elon Musk, however, didn’t reveal which chips are less potent than the homebrew alternative or the other reasons for the shift.