Study Finds That 800+ Dietary Supplements Contain Unapproved Ingredients

Study Finds That 800+ Dietary Supplements Contain Unapproved Ingredients


Dietary supplements are not as safe as they seem or advertise to be, suggests a recent study that was based on the data from the Food and Drug Administration of the United States. It was found that more than 800 dietary supplements contained ingredients that are not approved by the FDA. Things are worse when it comes to a particular percentage of drugs. Out of all the medications considered, 20% contained more than one ingredient that was unapproved by the authorities. Making things out of control, these components are added without proper regulations regarding the quantity as well.

Study authors contend that this trend can result in serious health injuries and other diseases. It should be noted that the drugs are added without proper regulation or approval from the authorities. In addition, the ingredients’ impact on the general health of the consumer is not even taken into consideration. The issue gains more importance, considering that a huge number of adults are using dietary supplements on a daily basis, for weight loss and other needs. It’s also one of the biggest industries in the countries, making billions of dollars regarding sales.

The authors have also found some interesting trends about the use of unapproved ingredients in the drugs! It needs to be noted that the issue of their presence have been reported for an extended period. Numbers of the same have been increasing in the course of time, hinting at something negative. It must also be noted that drugs in sexual enhancement, weight loss, and muscle building category show the presence of illegal or unapproved elements in them. They are also the categories most purchased and used by consumers in the United States. In addition to these, some antidepressants are also found to have these elements inside, in turn causing several side-effects.