Nintendo announces a new smaller and cheaper switch

Nintendo announces a new smaller and cheaper switch


The Japanese video game pioneer Nintendo announced that in September it will release a new switch console, the Switch Lite, smaller and cheaper, but less versatile, that can be taken anywhere else.

For several months, the group was filtering information with droppers about the development of a new model.

It is, in fact, a lighter version that does not take up the hybrid concept (semifix / semiportátil) of the first one, since its controls can not be separated and it can not be connected to the television.

The Switch Lite is designed exclusively to be mobile, and its battery has more capacity than its older sister.

It will sell for about 20,000 yen (165 euros) in Japan. The price of this console, in 3 colors (yellow, gray and turquoise) was not specified for Europe, where it will go on sale on the same day, on September 20.

The market of the first Swtich began to lose steam, and the players demanded a less imposing and more autonomous device to be able to play more abroad.

The Switch range and the games associated with it are practically the only source of revenue for Nintendo, whose 3DS / 2DS pocket models are at the end of the cycle.

Investors reacted positively to the announcement, and Nintendo’s stock rose more than 3% to 41,210 yen in the first minutes of trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.