Journalist did the bane, then CNN did the case against Trump and the White House

Journalist did the bane, then CNN did the case against Trump and the White House


In America, the dispute between the Trump administration and the media is increasing day by day. Now the American news channel CNN has filed a case against US President Donald Trump and top White House officials against banning his journalist Jim Acosta. This case has been filed in Washington-based US District Court.

CNN has filed a case against Trump and his colleagues seeking immediate removal of the ban on his Chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta. Let’s say that last week the House of the House suspended journalist Acosta’s press pass after a debate with Donald Trump.

CNN on Tuesday accused CNN of the case filed against Donald Trump that the White House has suspended journalist Representative Jim Acosta’s press document after the debate with US President Donald Trump and received a reporter’s rights under the constitution.

In a statement declaring the case, CNN said, “The right to cancel these documents incorrectly is the violation of the Fifth Amendment rights of CNN and Acosta’s first amendment rights and the fifth amendment of the proposed process.”

CNN said in the statement, “We have appealed to the court to immediately stop the White House order and return Jim Acosta’s press pass. We will seek permanent relief under this process. If the challenge is not given, there is a deadly effect for a journalist who is covering the elected officials with the White House’s action. ‘

The White House Correspondent Association welcomed the case of CNN and said that preventing access to the White House premises is inappropriate in response to incidents. The association said, “We constantly appeal to the Trump Administration to overturn the decision and the complete reinstatement of the CNN correspondent.”