United Launch Alliance To Use An Engine from Blue Origin for the Vulcan Rocket

United Launch Alliance To Use An Engine from Blue Origin for the Vulcan Rocket


United Launch Alliance is partnering with another great company to make the project Vulcan possible. Launch Alliance has selected the BE-4 engine from Blue Origin, the Jeff Bezos company, to power Vulcan rocket for the launch missions. United Launch Alliance is a joint venture that has been made between Boeing and Lockheed Martin and has been working on several projects for now. This newest selection has given the extra space for Blue Origin, which was planning to power orbital rockets in the coming years. Now that the ULA has partnered with it, the engine from Blue Origin would fly much earlier.

There were reports about the potential announcement for some time, but everything has been confirmed as of now.  Blue Origin’s rocket has been named BE-4, noted for the high performance and other features. The Jeff Bezos company has been working on the rocket for a long period, since 2011. Powered by liquid oxygen and liquid methane, the engine is expected to provide 550,000 pounds of thrust while lifting off. As said earlier, the engine was supposedly going to power another orbital rocket, but ULA selection has made things simpler. This is not the first time ULA is partnering with Blue Origin.

The companies were known for the collaboration for a few years, even to the extent that Blue Origin BE-4 rockets had received funding from ULA. “We are pleased to enter into this partnership with Blue Origin and look forward to a successful first flight of our next-generation launch vehicle,” said Tory Bruno. At the same time, Blue Origin CEO added that “We are delighted to have our BE-4 engine selected by United Launch Alliance. United Launch Alliance is the premier launch service provider for national security missions, and we’re thrilled to be part of their team and that mission. We can’t thank Tory Bruno and the entire United Launch Alliance team enough for entrusting our engine to powering the Vulcan rocket’s first stage.”