The 2019 Hurricane Season would be one of the worst in history

The 2019 Hurricane Season would be one of the worst in history


Little by little, we are approaching the Hurricane Season of this 2019, which translates into significant effects in the coastal areas of various parts of the world; as well as heavy rains that affect many people and cause material damage. Unfortunately, we would be facing one of the worst in history.

According to the Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); the activity in the Atlantic Ocean would pick up between September and October, with 10 to 17 high-intensity storms.

In addition, 5 to 7 hurricanes, some of them Category 3; This means that they would reach winds over 178 kilometers per hour. In general, 45% of tropical activity is expected, exceeding the 30% projected during the month of May.

Hurricane Season will be average throughout August
Although the prognosis is of high intensity; There will be no significant change in the Hurricane Season of 2019 throughout the month of August. In fact, an average activity is expected in the weeks before September. If given, the rebound would be until the 10th of the ninth month of the year.

However, meteorologists point out that things should not be taken calmly, especially since this year there is no data on the appearance of the El Niño phenomenon; that in earlier times helped to dissipate hurricanes and tropical storms.

For now, they ask people and authorities to be prepared for any eventuality, taking due precautions in their homes and with people; because the appearance of these meteors does not only mean heavy rains and winds; they also bring floods and derived diseases.