iPhone 12: delayed launch confirmed by Apple supplier

iPhone 12: delayed launch confirmed by Apple supplier


The marketing of the iPhone 12 would be postponed until October at least.

With the coronavirus pandemic and containment imposed around the world, many fear that the launch of the iPhone 12 will be delayed. Doubt has been hovering for weeks already. It would be a question that the new batch of headed smartphones is indeed delayed and not be marketed until October, at least. A prediction confirmed by one of Apple’s suppliers.

The CEO of Broadcom, one of the main suppliers of the Californian firm in wifi chips, said in a call for results “that a large North American mobile phone customer” was experiencing a “major delay [of its] production cycle, ”reports Bloomberg. If he didn’t explicitly name Apple, it’s hard not to see a direct allusion to the Californian company.

The CEO also said he expected the iPhone 12 line to be delayed, which would cause his business to lose revenue. According to him, the marketing of headed smartphones would not respect the usual calendar, namely a launch in September. He estimates that Apple could launch its new iPhones at the start of the 4th quarter, in October as rumored.

If humans don’t talk about the causes of the iPhone 12’s potential delay, there’s no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic has something to do with it.

The presentation of the iPhone 12 should however be maintained in September, as is tradition. At this time, there is no indication that Apple could change its plans at this level. The American firm also held its WWDC conference in June, turning it into a 100% digital event.