Google, Tesla And Apple Allies In The Face Of Global Warming: COP25

Google, Tesla And Apple Allies In The Face Of Global Warming: COP25


At this 25th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP25), no less than 70 CEOs and unions issued a joint statement, calling on the United States not to leave the Paris Agreement. This text, which is supposed to regulate global warming, has put some brands such as Google, Apple, Tesla and Microsoft on the edge, which has doubts as to whether the United States will continue with its program.

In a move baptized United For The Paris Agreement, today’s major tech giants have reiterated their interest not to exceed the 2 degrees of global temperature rise, compared to the pre-industrial period. Two years after Trump’s statement that the country’s participation in the Paris Agreement following COP21 should be dropped, several of America’s biggest leaders are calling for “economic health, jobs and competitiveness”, thanks to to a “just transition” to “decent new jobs”.

A significant weight on the country’s economy
It is unclear for the moment what the alliance of these many companies will really mean under the same message. But it is clear that their movement has media and political weight, for the names of the 70 different companies. Among them, we find Apple, Google, but also Tesla and Microsoft. In Madrid – a replacement ground for COP25 – these big American companies have distinguished themselves in a joint letter, available on their dedicated website, but also more solitary, such as Google, which has not missed remember its last 150 million dollars invests in the ecological impact of its new products of the technology “Made By Google”.

For his part, Apple CEO Tim Cook recalled on Twitter the importance of such synergies for a common purpose, while “humanity has never faced a threat greater or more urgent than climate change. “. In the end, a group of 2 million workers, and 12.5 million union members in all, are behind these companies and unions united under the United For The Paris Agreement movement.

Do not be outdistanced
By launching its own website, the movement of these companies is clear about its ecological intentions. But as it was mentioned by Google’s Sundar Pichai, the position of the tech giants in opposition to Donald Trump is also economic. To guarantee a responsible image but above all to support an energy transition that will revolutionize the businesses, it is better not to be outdistanced. Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement could lead to the risks that foreign competition could take over the technology and advances in the United States.

From now on, the talks will be political, between the leaders, ministers and secretaries of State of the invited countries. From December 2 to 13, it is certain that these discussions will be closely followed by today’s tech landscape actors, who concluded their call for American mobilization by declaring that “the promise of the Paris Agreement is that of a just and prosperous world. We urge the United States to join us to stay. “