Ethiopia has planted 350 million trees in one day

Ethiopia has planted 350 million trees in one day

News Science

According to one study, restoring forests could be our best weapon against global warming. Thomas Crowther, a researcher at ETH Zurich, and author of this work defended the idea as follows: “There are 400 gigatonnes of CO2 currently captured in the 3,000 billion trees on the planet. If you increase this capacity by 1,000 billion trees, that would be equivalent to about several hundred gigatonnes more captured in the atmosphere. You would then have at least 10 years of anthropogenic emissions wholly destroyed, “he told The Independent.

350 million trees in 12 hours

Plant trees, then. While some do not stop clearing, others have understood the idea. Australia, for example, plans to plant one billion trees by 2050. In the Philippines too, all students will have to plant 10 trees to validate their degree. More recently, we learned that Ethiopia was also taking the problem very seriously. The Prime Minister announced a few days ago that 350 million trees were planted in the country in one day only. 353,633,660 trees planted in twelve hours, more precisely. And the country does not intend to stop there.

This effort is part of a national “green heritage” initiative to grow 4 billion trees in the country this summer. To achieve this, each citizen is invited to plant at least 40 plants. With this goal always at the end of the fight against deforestation, and by extension the global warming.

The need to reforest

According to UN figures, Ethiopia’s forest cover was only 4 percent in the 2000s, compared to 35 percent a century earlier. The rapidly growing population of Ethiopia – Africa’s second-most populous country – had indeed required the need for farmland. But forest management has not been done in a “sustainable” way. It is, therefore, necessary to reforest for this country, also concerned by major periods of drought.

“Trees not only help mitigate climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide in the air, but they also have significant benefits in combating desertification and soil degradation, especially in arid countries,” says Dan Ridley. -Ellis, Head of the Wood Science and Technology Center at Edinburgh Napier University (United Kingdom). They also provide food, shelter, fuel, fodder. But also drugs, equipment and protect the water supply.