Borderlands 3 - Try Skills Now: Talent Calculator Launched

Borderlands 3 – Try Skills Now: Talent Calculator Launched


Who plans to save the world again in mid-September in the cooperative loot shooter Borderlands 3, can now cobble together his talent with the official talent calculator.

Talent calculator for Borderlands 3 started

On the official website of “Borderlands 3” are already started the talent calculator of the four characters who invite you to try it out.

No matter if you want to cobble together your favorite skill one month before the release, or if you want to learn more about the talents of the four characters Amara, Moze, FL4K, and Zane: thanks to the official talent calculator, this is already possible.

Compared to its predecessors, however, the distribution of skills in “Borderlands 3” has changed. So far, you have only been able to take one active skill with you, so now you have more to choose from.

This is how the talent trees in Borderlands 3 work

Click here for the talent trees of the four characters in “Borderlands 3”:

Amara – Mystic Attack / Melee / Fist of the Elements
Moze – Retaliatory Shield / Blasting Master / Bottomless Magazines
FL4K – Stalker / Master / Hunter
Zane – Assassin / Double Agent / Undercover

In total, you have the choice of the three talent trees listed above for each character, in which you can invest the total of 48 talent points.

In addition to the normal passive skills, you can unlock various action skills, which can also be provided with special effects. Overall, the action skills are divided into three categories; only one skill can be used per category. The unique skills, however, do not cost any talent points.

Once you have completed your preferred skill, you can share it with the social networks at the touch of a button. Alternatively, copy the link from the URL line of your browser. Have you designed a very cool skill? Then she shares with us in the comments.