A former employee alert on the Boeing 787's oxygen system

A former employee alert on the Boeing 787’s oxygen system


Boeing 787 long-range aircraft are being charged by a former employee of the company. The latter explains that the oxygen system is not deployed in some cases, a failure that would still affect a quarter of the devices!

After the 737 MAX, the 787
Boeing is currently in turmoil over its 737 MAX aircraft put into service in May 2017. Indeed, two crashes caused the deaths of hundreds of people between October 2018 and March 2019. These disasters have forced airlines to prohibit theft. type of aircraft, until further notice.

However, a new scandal could explode concerning another device: the Boeing 787. As revealed by the BBC in an article published on November 6, 2019, a whistleblower has spoken on these devices. This is John Barnett, a former Boeing engineer who is responsible for quality control. According to the interested party, a quarter of the oxygen systems fitted to this aircraft model might not work!

Irresponsible Boeing?
John Barnett worked at Boeing for 32 years. Retired since last year, he does not hesitate to express himself. As everyone knows, airlines are talking about falling oxygen masks in case of cabin depressurization. However, the former engineer said he attended a test of 300 Boeing 787 aircraft and observed that the system was failing for 75 of them (25% of aircraft). Remember that at 10,000 meters altitude, passengers can become unconscious in less than a minute in case of depressurization of the cabin and no access to oxygen masks. At a higher altitude, this could be much faster.

It should be noted that when the Boeing 787 was launched – put into service in 2008 – some problems were noted. However, these planes have been a real success. Nevertheless, John Barnett believes that the 787 appeared too quickly on the market, a hurry that would have compromised some security aspects. On Boeing’s side, the former employee’s claims were swept away, citing the multiple tests for each aircraft before and after they were put into service.